About Charlotte

Charlotte Eléa

I am a New Earth Priestess, Spiritual Guide & Intuitive Channel. 

My specialities include 1) guiding alchemical divine feminine paths of healing, 2) leading ceremony that weaves consciousness with the earth, 3) revealing spiritual guidance through tarot and dreamwork, 4) divine archetypal embodiment, and 5) transmuting fate and karma into soul’s destiny.

I am a passionate mystic and seer of hidden realms. I dance with dragons and worship Mother Earth. I endeavor to continually attune to earth’s rhythms, cycles and ancient wisdom ways. I have experienced “the dark night,” and walked through the flames of spiritual rebirth into the loving baptismal pools of the Great Mother. 

I adore ancient and contemporary myth and folklore and am intent on weaving together a New Earth Mythos for our evolving spiritual consciousness.


Temple Guide & Sacred Space Holder

  • 6-month training in circle leadership with Sora Surya No (2018). 

  • 4-month Temple Guide Training in ceremonial space holding and archetypal embodiment of the divine feminine with Elayne Kalila and Priestess Presence (2020).

  • Facilitator of numerous full moon and new moon circles, as well as short to long-term women’s group healing containers.

Initiated Priestess, Magdalene Sisterhood of the Rose

  • Two-year apprenticeship with Diana Dubrow and Rosa Mystica Mystery School as a scent-anointing priestess of the Magdalene and the divine feminine (2020-2022).

  • Ceremonial completion of Priestess Vows in Mount Shasta, CA, July 2021.

Ordained Minister:

  • Ordained by Venus Rising Association of Transformation as a Shamanic Minister to perform all duties as a religiously ordained person.

Tarot Reader

  • Professionally since 2014.

  • Self taught in the western mystical tradition, Kabbalah, and numerology since 1999.

  • Led Intuitive Tarot Reading workshops, Los Angeles and online (2015-2017).

Illumined Heart Guide:

  • Certified completion of Awaken the Illumined Heart program by School of Remembering and Drunvalo Melchizedek in energetic self-mastery (2022).

Irish Celtic Shamanism Apprentice

  • (Currently in process) 2-year intensive training with Slí an Chroi, John Cantwell and Dr. Karen Ward in the earth-based mystical healing arts of ancient indigenous Ireland.

Writer and Author:

  • Medium writer and publisher at Red Mother and Charlotte Eléa.

  • Intuitive writing space holder at Aquarius Rising.

  • Attended numerous writing classes, workshops and conferences over the span of 15 years in San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles.

Healer Mentor at Big Beautiful Breakthrough

  • Designed and led intensive group and 1-on-1 mentorship program for healers, including an intuitive healing framework called the Soul Purpose Activation (2018-2020).

MA in Clinical Psychology

  • New College of San Francisco (2003). Foundation in depth-oriented psychology, Jungian studies of archetypes and collective unconscious, and post-colonial feminism. 

  • Four years of clinical service to groups, individuals, children, youth, couples and families.

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 Soul Remembrance

It took me many years to remember who I am. And yet, I am still discovering.  

Before this lifetime, I had not incarnated on this planet for several hundreds of years. I am an old soul and have lived so many lifetimes upon this planet, I don’t think I would ever be able to remember them all.

I was resting in oneness with all of creation, in a non-binary, super-conscious energy field of pure love. Then I decided it was time to return to earth in order to 1) help usher in a New Earth paradigm of unity consciousness, and 2) clear all the karmic weight (unfinished business) I had accumulated over all my past lives.

My starseed soul was born into a super empathic body that absorbed all the energies in my mothers womb and all that came before her.

Coming back to this plane of physical existence was a rough ride. On my way, I could feel the pain and suffering currently alive in the collective field of humanity. Because unity was all that I remembered, I absorbed the trauma of my ancestors into my body through my mother’s womb and DNA. 

As a baby my parents reported that I cried constantly, and was only calm when someone held me in their arms. As a child I experienced episodes where I’d begin to feel myself not exist and fade away. My body was just an illusion. At the same time, I was absorbing so much energy around me that I couldn’t control my emotions, and my body grew stiff with stomachaches and anxiety attacks.

Without understanding the truth of my nature, I lived in a world of separation and suffering for a long time. I carried the pain of my ancestors like a 10,000-pound weight upon my shoulders, which surfaced as depression, despair, destabilizing shame and unworthiness, and a desire to leave this life.

But I also new I was different. From an early age I had a clear voice and a commanding stubborn attitude. I didn’t fit in with most circles and the rebel in me refused to participate in the mainstream. Over and over again, I chose a subversive, non-conventional path, which led to often living on the sidelines and feeling that I just didn’t belong here. I knew if I was to thrive, I would need to create my own path.

I was constantly drawn to service. Since I felt the suffering of those around me acutely, I wanted to do something to help alleviate it and make the world a better place. This desire led to my first career as a social worker and psychotherapist.  

However, the service work did not bring me the fulfillment that I had desired. I still lived a life shrouded in darkness, shame and depression. It wasn’t until I pursued a spiritual path of nurturing my spiritual light and psychic gifts that I began to unravel my true Starseed nature, and the reason I incarnated this lifetime.

 Sacred Contracts

I am here to pave a way for us to reunite our feminine and masculine energy bodies, healing thousands of years of pain and trauma that exist through the paradigms of separation and patriarchy. I am here to help us reclaim both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, for the creation of a New Earth, and the next evolution of humanity.

I was incarnated with the task of healing, transmuting and releasing through love the trauma of my ancestors, as well as all my past life karma. This has been no easy feat, and it took many years to master my healing abilities. I have known deeply the weight and suffering from karma. I also now know great freedom and liberation from releasing myself from the past, and rebirthing myself into my true soul’s destiny as a priestess of the Divine Feminine.

I believe that currently our greatest task is to heal, transmute and release ourselves from the trauma of the past, and to wash ourselves clean of fate.

We have much collective work to do around this, as the last four thousand years have been ones of supreme loss. Only when we clear our own karmic weight will we stop reliving and recreating our traumatic pasts, and only then will we collectively heal and rebirth a new way forward for our planet. Only then may we step into our destinies.

I am devoted to paving a path of karmic release, emotional healing and spiritual rebirth for all who are ready to reclaim their soul’s destinies.

As a Magdalene Priestess of the Rose, I am blessed and honored with many spiritual guides and mentors that help me in my sacred work of walking this path of unconditional love and spiritual rebirth.

I am guided by Mary Magdalene, who is working through me, along with many thousands of women to release ourselves from the bondage of patriarchy, and rediscover our sacred sexuality, divine femininity, our bodies as holy temples, and our passion, love and desire as our super powers.

I am guided by a council of beloved Dragons, who astutely and lovingly reveal to me my own and the collective shadows, offer cosmic wisdom, and hold me in my greatest strength, sovereignty and love.

I am a protector of the Holy Waters of Mother Earth, which are working through me to cleanse and purify the polluted waters of this planet, inside and out. We are a water planet. And water is life.

I am blessed to be a steward of two acres of land in what is now called Paso Robles, California where Mother Earth is teaching me how to be one with all life, elements and creation.