In-Person and Virtual Sessions with Charlotte Eléa

Discover the truth that awaits you from the deeper levels of your soul.

These revelatory sessions explore what you are currently moving through from the expanded perspective of your highest self.

Understand how to alleviate blocks and address challenges. Get to the root of unwanted patterns in order to know how to heal and clear them. Awaken to your soul’s purpose and gifts. Discover potential blessings and opportunities awaiting you and receive guidance on the best choices of action to take.

In an Intuitive Guidance Session, I utilize an array of intuitive methods to connect you with your truth. With great care, focus and compassion, I deliver messages from your benevolent spirit guides and highest self through tarot and oracle cards, direct transmission, guided journey and pendulum work.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Get to the bottom/root/truth of what is currently at stake for you.

  • Connect to the voice of your soul.

  • See and know what was previously unknowable.

  • Gain clarity on how your soul is guiding you forward, your next step.


Here is what a few clients have to say about working with me.


“After years of self-help and working with therapists, nothing has empowered me as quickly, lovingly, and insightfully. I experienced myself going through one breakthrough after another without overwhelm. If you have tried other programs and still feel something is missing, working with Charlotte will exponentially yield more results than you have previously received.”

Aida Núñez Troedsson

Sarah Janicki.jpg

“Charlotte’s loving openness and presence put me at ease to intimately share my deepest wounds in a way that transformed a lifetime of daunting emotions into a sacred space for healing.


I was honestly surprised by how fast I grew in many facets of my life – spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I am walking away with TRUE confidence, a deep reverence for myself, and awareness of my worthiness.”

Sarah Janicki


“With Charlotte’s guidance, I was able to do a massive breakthrough and redirection of all aspects of my life. The journeys, exercises, insights and most importantly support that I received during these three months allowed me to complete my metamorphosis, shed the old skin and get comfortable in my true self. Charlotte guided me until I was ready to swim on my own.”

Anna Bazarnaya



How long do sessions last?

60 minutes, but sometimes we go a bit over, so please schedule for at least 75 minutes, plus time afterwards to rest and integrate.

How do I schedule my session?

Once you decide you’d like to book, click the button, you will be guided to my scheduling page, where you can pick the time of your appointment, and complete a short questionnaire. Payment is due 24 hrs before your session time.

How do you work?

I combine several different intuitive modalities, including guided journeying, Tarot and oracle cards, and direct channeling.

Do you offer a guarantee?

I cannot guarantee satisfaction or results. I am not a mental health professional and so I am not qualified to treat or diagnose the existence of mental health issues. When receiving spiritual guidance, there are no guarantees because it is not a scientific process. Quite often, your soul will guide you in a different way than you expected, which can be challenging and can take time to integrate and implement.

Full explanations are in my Terms and Ethics statements.