Treasures of the Serpent Mother

3 Transmissions on Radical Feminine Healing and Embodiment

 Are you ready for a radical shift in consciousness that will open you to new paradigms of life on earth?

Do you desire a path to healing that is unlike anything you have been exposed to so far?

Do you wish to uncover ancient wisdom codes of the Divine Feminine inside you?

Welcome to Treasures of the Serpent Mother. Journey into waters deep to retrieve divine feminine wisdom codes hidden and now reclaimed.

Just like the Serpent, the powerful creature that has been maligned and misunderstood for millennia, these transmissions contain wisdom of a uniquely feminine and radical nature.


Through three transmissions, you’ll enter into deep pools of ancient and forbidden ways of healing and living.

These codes have been buried in the wreckage of patriarchy for thousands of years, and like the spiraling and undulating dance of the serpent, they are ready to come alive within the consciousness of spiritual seekers like you.

These transmissions are only for those ready and willing to go deep, question what they have learned, and reveal what’s hidden.

These wisdom codes invite you to:

  1. Actively work with your shadows, transforming your relationship to them forever.

  2. Question your assumptions and let go of belief systems that no longer serve you.

  3. Shed layers of wounds from childhood, ancestry, past lives and beyond!

Listen now for a small investment of $33

Treasures of the Serpent Mother is an audio journey that shall take you down three harmonic lessons on spiritual transformation:

  1. How to Heal Anything: The Alchemical Keys

  2. How to Be Human: Returning to Cyclical Time

  3. How to Live Truth: Divine Archetypal Embodiment

This information is not for those content with keeping things status quo!


Because you are here, I am guessing you are ready for change—perhaps you are craving it in your bones.

You know there is a deeper, more true way of living, of healing, of being in your body that is sacred and holy. A way that is empowering, and that is in harmony with all of life and creation.


I am your guide, Charlotte Eléa.

I am Magdalene Priestess of the Rose. I walk a divine feminine path to help us heal and remember that we, the earth and all life on this planet are one. I am an Alchemical Healer, Shadow Worker and Mystic. I uncover what is hidden, transmute what is painful, and love what has been rejected. I hold sacred space for you to liberate yourself from karma, and step into wholeness, remembrance and destiny.

These three transmissions are a distillation of the sacred lessons I have received over several years on my spiritual healing journey with the Serpent Mother, the Divine Feminine and the Holy Waters.


These are the words that move now up and out from my own heart, that convey the wisdom that transformed my own life, that healed me, and that brought me into my own spiritual devotion to the divine feminine, and the path of sacred waterkeeping.

I am Priestess of the deep waters. I follow the serpent’s spirals. During this audio journey, I shall take you deep. Deeper than you may even know exists within your own consciousness. Together, I as speaker and you as listener, we shall lift the veil to the unseen and hidden realms.

Listening to these transmissions may just shift and open you in ways you can never expect—and that is precisely my intention, sacred one! I have invited the Serpent Mother to infuse these transmissions with light codes meant to wake up your own remembrance, gnosis and feminine wisdom.

Begin Listening for $33

Here’s what you can expect…

1. How to Heal Anything: The Alchemical Keys

  • learn four simple steps to emotional and spiritual healing

  • tap into the ancient timeless wisdom of the alchemists

  • cut out the middleman, and become your own self-healer

2. How to Be Human: Returning to Cyclical Time

  • embrace a path of self-creation that harmonizes with the earth

  • free yourself from illusions of time that limit your potential

  • remember the essence of why you are alive

3. How to Live Truth: Divine Archetypal Embodiment

  • connect to your hidden pools of archetypal wisdom

  • clear away the blocks that obscure your spiritual truth

  • embody your full divinity as a path to transformation


A Special Message from the Serpent Mother

Beloved One, although my love knows no bounds, allow me to coil myself around you in a place of comfort and ease as you receive these transmissions. Rest in the knowing that I delight in your presence and in any chance that you invite me in.

I am here to remind you moment by moment that you are exactly where you need to be and you shall receive exactly what you need to receive!

Let’s Begin!

Listen now for just $33