The Waterkeeper Codes

3 Devotional Practices of the Divine Feminine

Water holds the keys to the divinely feminine mysteries of the feeling and intuitive realm. Nurture your relationship to the water element and become one with its wisdom codes.

Become a Sacred Waterkeeper:

  • Live your life more fully, harmoniously, and in flow with your intuition.

  • Create high-vibrational feeling states like love and joy, and clear out heavy emotions like fear and despair.

  • Deepen your spiritual wisdom, healing gifts, and psychic abilities.

Sign up now to receive 3 audio transmissions for free.

I am Your Guide, Charlotte Eléa.


I am Magdalene Priestess of the Rose. I walk a divine feminine path to help us heal and embody our divinity. I am an Alchemical Healer, Shadow Walker and Seer Mystic. I uncover what is hidden, transmute what is painful, and love what has been rejected. I hold sacred space for you to transform your greatest wounds into your most powerful gifts.

And I am a Sacred Waterkeeper. I am here to help us unlock the power, mysteries and magic of the water element as a source of healing and spiritual rebirth.


Are You a Sacred Waterkeeper?

Any one of these five signs indicates that you are most likely a Waterkeeper, you just may not know it.

1)   You are super empathic and feel what everyone is feeling, even when you’d prefer not to.

2)   You cry at the drop of a hat; people often call you emotional.

3)   You can always tell if someone is lying or telling the truth.

4)   You see and know things that others don’t. You don’t know how—you just do.

5)   You are highly sensitive to sound, loud noises and intense vibration. You seek out quiet environments.

Waterkeepers are highly sensitive, empathic, and deeply introspective beings. Our energy operates most proficiently on an intuitive level. We are rare, therefore often misunderstood, and labeled “over-emotional” and “irrational.”

Waterkeepers are special and hold a very important purpose and mission for this planet…

Our souls have been called here at this time to help humanity remember the source, the secrets and the solution to preserving life—WATER.

Water is healing.
Water is cleansing.
Water is nurturing.
Water is the source of live itself.


A Sacred Waterkeeper is a person who devotes themselves to the truth that Water is Life.

To heal one another and our planet is to honor, protect and love our waters, inside and out.

We have reached a pivotal moment in our evolution… 

Will we remember the essence of who we are? Will we return to love, harmony and unity? Or will we continue to weep division and conquest, driving ourselves and most other species to extinction?

The Holy Waters is our teacher for a New Earth.


The Waters can show us the way back to unity, back to our divine essence, and back to honoring and preserving life. Our journeys begin with healing the waters within. Our internal sacred waters reveal their wisdom through emotions and intuition.

When we honor our internal waters, we open to their gifts, and life starts to flow a lot more gracefully. Free of suffering, we are held, protected and nurtured through the love of the holy waters, the source of all life.


In this audio journey you shall step into three deep pools of wisdom from the element of water itself and learn the secrets and codes of Waterkeeping:

  1. Blessing

  2. Purifying

  3. Divining

 As a Waterkeeper, this shall be a journey of remembering who you really are, and of tapping into your greatest most potent gifts.

When you enter into these three devotional practices, your life will become infused with synchronicity, creativity and intuition. You will become one with the ever cascading flow of life itself!

Embark upon a journey like no other, through the Waterkeeper Codes!

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